Intradiscal Procedures

These are procedures performed with x-ray guidance. They compromise of injections into the intervertebral discs. These injections are provided for either diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Complications of these injections are very rare but may include swelling, infection, pain exacerbation or neural injury.

For diagnostic purposes: Discogram procedure is performed. Needles are introduced into the intervertebral discs under x-ray guidance. Contrast is injected and assessment of pain and distribution of contrast is evaluated. After the performance of the test, patients are scheduled to have a CT scan for further evaluation. This test is performed as a preparation for surgical management.

For therapeutic purposes: Dr. Wassef performs Discseel ® procedure. This procedure is performed under conscious sedation. Needles are introduced into the intervertebral discs under x-ray guidance. A combination of Fibrin and Prothrombin is introduced into the discs to promote healing of the annulus.

When you arrive, the staff will get a description of your pain and how you are managing daily activities. Medications, allergies and a brief health history will be reviewed. It is important to let us know if you have allergies to X-ray dye, Betadine or latex, if you are taking blood thinners, if you have diabetes or if you might be pregnant.

After discussing treatment, you will go to the procedure room where you will be helped onto the x-ray table into the best position for visualizing your spine. We will try to make you as comfortable as possible. Your skin will be cleaned with antiseptic; the physician will place a needle into the joint space using X-ray guidance. A local anesthetic or a mixture of a steroid and local anesthetic will be injected. The entire procedure usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes.

You should plan to stay with us for about an hour after the procedure. The staff will answer any questions you might have and review instructions and follow-up care.

When you go home:

  • Activities: you may do your regular activities as tolerated. You can usually return to work and exercising on the next day.
  • Pain: ice on the injection site and taking your regular pain medications will help with any discomfort.
  • Follow-up: make an appointment for follow up in 2-4 weeks.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at (917) 810-9893.